I can’t really explain why I need this in my life, but I do. In spite of old-lady issues and punching myself in the nose too many times, I still love it! This thing I’m referring to is working out, exercising. I feel like I’ve tried it all and can’t seem to stick with it for many different reasons. If it’s an hour long class - I don’t have that kind of time. Driving and actually doing it - just takes up way too much time. Plus, you have to conform to the class hours – and guess what? They aren’t all day long and rarely, if ever at a time that is convenient to my schedule. So I tried getting a membership where my son swims, I thought I was there all the time. That didn’t work out either. For various reason, I’m not always there and I have to make up my own workout. Not motivating enough. I track my workouts on my phone so I can quickly see how many times I’ve worked out. Only when I joined a ...